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10 of the Most Dangerous Roads in America

10 of the Most Dangerous Roads in America

Road accidents can occur on any road but there are certain roads in the US that are most notorious for road carnage. In fact, USA roads have three times the date rate as compared to U.K. Here are the 10 most dangerous roads in the U.S that will make you a nervous...

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What is Commercial Liability Insurance?

What is Commercial Liability Insurance?

Commercial Liability Insurance is a type of coverage, which protects businesses in cases where people make claims against them for property damage, bodily injury, and advertising and personal injury to their reputation due to slander and false advertising. Commercial...

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Safest Cars for Young Drivers

Safest Cars for Young Drivers

Selecting the first car your teen will drive can be stressful for many reasons. You may be searching for a vehicle that is affordable and fuel efficient. While style may be a secondary concern, you may also want to find a car that he or she will enjoy driving. The...

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Ways to Save Automobile Fuel

It's nearly summertime and we all know what that means! Higher gas prices. Here at All Nation Insurance in Miami, we don't just want to save you money on car insurance, we want to save you money everywhere.  Many people believe the only way to get better gas mileage...

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Do You Need Travel Insurance?

Do You Need Travel Insurance?

For some individuals, travel insurance is just another extra or additional expense. But if you worry about what may happen in an unfamiliar place, you will find travel insurance necessary, especially if you're traveling with your family. The first question you need to...

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What Is GAP Insurance, And Do I Need It?

What Is GAP Insurance, And Do I Need It?

Explaining Gap Insurance 101 Gap insurance is also referred to as GAP protection and/or Totaled insurance. It stands for 'Guaranteed Auto Protection'. It covers the difference between what you owe on your car and how much the car is worth. Most drivers feel that a...

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Small Business Dentist Insurance

Small Business Dentist Insurance

Thanks to advances in dental care technology, dentists can do more procedures in less time, with better results. This is great news for both dentists and patients however each new service or procedure introduces a new level of risk which may include: exposure to...

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3420 West 84th Street suite 100
Hialeah, FL 33018