When you’re exploring different types of car insurance, you might be wondering what comprehensive car insurance covers. Depending on the exact insurance plan, it might be different, but there are many commonalities of comprehensive car insurance. This type of insurance helps you to repair or replace your vehicle if it is stolen or damaged in an accident that isn’t a collision. Comprehensive car insurance does not cover damage done to your car by any sort of driver-caused incident, whether it’s your fault or not.
Some of the common things that comprehensive car insurance covers are theft, vandalization, natural disaster damage, fire damage, falling object damage such as a rockslide, animal-induced damage, and damage caused by other people in the case of an event like a protest or riot.
Comprehensive car insurance does not cover damage done to your vehicle by you or another driver, medical expenses for any parties involved, or damage done to another person’s car. This type of car insurance is typically required if you are leasing a vehicle, otherwise it is optional.
When trying to decide if comprehensive car insurance is right for you, there are a few factors you will want to consider. If your car is older and not worth much, then you probably don’t need comprehensive car insurance, because what you end up paying will likely outweigh the benefits. However, if your car is newer or more expensive, you might want to look into comprehensive car insurance because the benefit of being able to have your car repaired in the case of one of the situations described above is worth the monthly payment and premium you might have to pay.
Collision coverage insurance is more popular, but these two insurance types can be used together to give you the most full coverage of your vehicle. If you are unsure if comprehensive car insurance is right for you, you can always get quotes from different companies and ask an agent to help you decide.
When you’re exploring different types of car insurance, you might be wondering what comprehensive car insurance covers. Depending on the exact insurance plan, it might be different, but there are many commonalities of comprehensive car insurance. This type of insurance helps you to repair or replace your vehicle if it is stolen or damaged in an accident that isn’t a collision. Comprehensive car insurance does not cover damage done to your car by any sort of driver-caused incident, whether it’s your fault or not.
Some of the common things that comprehensive car insurance covers are theft, vandalization, natural disaster damage, fire damage, falling object damage such as a rockslide, animal-induced damage, and damage caused by other people in the case of an event like a protest or riot.
Comprehensive car insurance does not cover damage done to your vehicle by you or another driver, medical expenses for any parties involved, or damage done to another person’s car. This type of car insurance is typically required if you are leasing a vehicle, otherwise it is optional.
When trying to decide if comprehensive car insurance is right for you, there are a few factors you will want to consider. If your car is older and not worth much, then you probably don’t need comprehensive car insurance, because what you end up paying will likely outweigh the benefits. However, if your car is newer or more expensive, you might want to look into comprehensive car insurance because the benefit of being able to have your car repaired in the case of one of the situations described above is worth the monthly payment and premium you might have to pay.
Collision coverage insurance is more popular, but these two insurance types can be used together to give you the most full coverage of your vehicle. If you are unsure if comprehensive car insurance is right for you, you can always get quotes from different companies and ask an agent to help you decide.