Auto Insurance
When we get in our cars we often don’t think about the fact that we are getting into a powerful machine that has the ability to cause harm. However, the reality is that being in a car is even more dangerous than being on an airplane. According to the Association For Safe International Road Travel, approximately 1.3 million people die in car crashes yearly, and that doesn’t even account for those who get injured but survive. So let’s face it, even if you think you’re a better than the average driver, which most of us do, it’s still important to have car insurance to keep yourself protected against the other guy who might not be as swell a driver as you.
Home Insurance
Our homes are our lives, quite literally the place we lie our heads. They house all of our precious things and memories from years gone by. Home feels like our safe place, and most of the time it is, but things do happen, and in the event that a fire breaks out or you are robbed you will want to have home insurance to cover you.
Life Insurance
Hopefully, I shouldn’t have to tell you why your life is important, but I can tell you why having insurance for it is. If you have family members that you love and care about, life insurance makes sure that your loved ones will be taken care of and that they won’t have to worry about funeral or burial costs. Obviously, this isn’t a fun concept to think about. Buying life insurance can feel like you’re buying insurance expecting to die but one of the benefits to having life insurance is that it can supplement your retirement income through accumulation. That just means that you’ll have more money to enjoy while taking a cruise in your old age!
Insurance provides coverage and peace of mind for us for those “what the heck” moments in life. You don’t want to take a gamble with your car, your home or your life so it’s best to be protected and insured with these types of insurance.