Could your home or workspace be exposed to asbestos?

Could your home or workspace be exposed to a cancer causing material?

Asbestos is a dangerous mineral that occurs naturally and was used frequently in building materials from 1930 to 1980. It was discovered that asbestos is dangerous to human health and can put people at risk for developing a cancer, mesothelioma.

You could potentially be at risk for asbestos exposure if you are living in a building that was developed between the 50-year span of 1930 to 1980. Asbestos can resist fire, heat, and similar extreme conditions, which is why it was used in many building materials such as insulation, cement, wallpaper, tiles, piping, and more. You might be wondering how dangerous it is if you are living or working in a building that has asbestos-containing materials, and fortunately there is little risk present as long as the materials remain undisturbed. However, if the material is disturbed it can cause dust to enter the airflow which can then get lodged in your lungs, putting you at risk for developing mesothelioma.

There is only one cause known for mesothelioma, and that is asbestos exposure. It can take over 20 years for symptoms of the illness to show and the illness can manifest itself in the lungs, the heart, or the abdominal cavity. There have been many lawsuits tied to asbestos exposure, but due to the complicated nature of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma, the coverage available is largely dependent on the individual case.

There are certain steps that you can take to protect yourself and your workers from asbestos exposure. You can have the building tested if it was constructed between 1930 and 1980. Upon finding out that you do have asbestos containing materials, you can use a trained and licensed professional to approach the situation. If the materials are in “good condition” and remaining in place then they pose little harm to human health, but it is still important to have the building tested every now and then.

Remember, there is no safe amount of asbestos to be exposed to. Everyone is responsible for their workspace safety, so if you feel that your building is at risk of having asbestos containing materials, reach out to someone and be sure to get the building tested.