Our Blog

What Are the Different Types of Insurance?

What Are the Different Types of Insurance?

There are many different types of insurance available to help you protect yourself, your loved ones, and your assets. Many people receive insurance benefits through their careers or choose to create a plan for themselves. One thing is for certain, life is unexpected...

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Habits of Safe Drivers

Being a safe driver is an important skill to learn because it can help to keep not only you safe but other people on the road as well. If you practice safe driving skills you are less likely to be in an accident and better equipped to handle stressful driving...

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The Most Common Types of Car Crashes

Over 2 million people die or are injured in car crashes every year, but we never think it will happen to us. We get in our cars and often don’t think twice about the potential danger we could be facing. No matter how safe of a driver you might be, you never know what...

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5 Reasons to Get Home Insurance

Many homeowners struggle with the debate of whether or not to get home insurance. It can often seem unnecessary like nothing could ever go wrong with your home. You can probably think of more fun ways to spend the money that you’d be putting towards home insurance....

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Should I Purchase Rental Car Insurance?

Traveling is becoming more expensive as times go by. People across the world are becoming more concerned, especially with the extra costs incurred when using the rental cars. These costs are experienced in cases of accidents when the vehicles are rented, or the rental...

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What is Commercial Liability Insurance?

What is Commercial Liability Insurance?

Commercial Liability Insurance is a type of coverage, which protects businesses in cases where people make claims against them for property damage, bodily injury, and advertising and personal injury to their reputation due to slander and false advertising. Commercial...

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Ways to Save Automobile Fuel

It's nearly summertime and we all know what that means! Higher gas prices. Here at All Nation Insurance in Miami, we don't just want to save you money on car insurance, we want to save you money everywhere.  Many people believe the only way to get better gas mileage...

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3420 West 84th Street suite 100
Hialeah, FL 33018