Habits of Safe Drivers

Being a safe driver is an important skill to learn because it can help to keep not only you safe but other people on the road as well. If you practice safe driving skills you are less likely to be in an accident and better equipped to handle stressful driving situations. These habits can help you to become a better, more prepared driver.

1.Keep Your Calm
With traffic conditions increasing it is easy to get road rage or lose patience with other drivers. You might want to make hasty decisions or weave in and out of traffic. However, driving angry can impair your judgment and cause you to drive recklessly.

2.Wear Your Seatbelt
It’s the first thing we’re taught as children when getting into the car. Always wear your seatbelt because it could one day save your life.

3.Use Your Turn Indicator
Your turn indicator, also known as a turn signal or blinker, is used to indicate to other drivers that you will be making a turn or lane change. Be sure to always use your turn indicator so other drivers are aware of what you’re about to do, and remember that just because you put your turn indicator on doesn’t mean that someone is going to let you over or that it is clear.

4.Stay Focused on Driving
There are more distractions in our lives than ever before. We have our cell phones, our smartwatches, cars that come with technological features, billboards, and maybe even passengers riding in your car. But, it’s important that you stay focused on the road and on the act of driving so that you don’t get into an accident.

5.Watch Your Speed
It can be tempting to speed if you’re in a hurry or have a long drive ahead of you, but speeding can cause unsafe driving conditions. When you’re driving at a higher speed it is harder to maintain control of your car and if you go speeding past other drivers it may startle them and cause them to lose focus. Keep your speed within the speed limit and use cruise control to keep yourself within the limit if necessary.

If you follow these habits, you’ll be a safer and better driver.

The Most Common Types of Car Crashes

Over 2 million people die or are injured in car crashes every year, but we never think it will happen to us. We get in our cars and often don’t think twice about the potential danger we could be facing. No matter how safe of a driver you might be, you never know what could happen. Some types of car crashes happen more frequently than others and if you happen to be involved in a crash, you’ll be happy to have car insurance. Here are some of the most common types of crashes.

Rear-End Collisions

Getting “rear ended” is one of the most common types of crashes. It happens when someone isn’t paying attention or following too closely. Depending on the speed, these crashes usually aren’t fatal. They often happen in heavy, start/stop traffic and the best way to prevent them is being cautious and leaving an ample amount of space between you and the car in front of you.

T-Bone Crashes

These crashes happen in an intersection when two cars are going in different directions. They often occur when one car is running a red light, goes through a stop sign without properly stopping, or taking a misjudged turn into oncoming traffic. These crashes can be extremely dangerous. The best way to avoid them is by following traffic laws and driving carefully.

Single Vehicle Crashes

These can be one of the more dangerous types of car accidents and tend to happen at high speeds among younger drivers. They often result from taking a turn too fast, hydroplaning, or running off the road and hitting something.

Low-Speed Contact Collisions

Low-speed accidents often happen in places like parking lots where people are driving at low speeds but have a lot of obstacles to avoid while maneuvering their vehicle. These collisions are classified as any accident happening under 10mph and can still be dangerous despite their low speeds.

The best way to stay safe and avoid a car accident is by following all driving rules and paying close attention to the road. In the event that you are in an accident, you will want to be sure you have car insurance to cover any damage done to you or the other parties involved.

5 Reasons to Get Home Insurance

Many homeowners struggle with the debate of whether or not to get home insurance. It can often seem unnecessary like nothing could ever go wrong with your home. You can probably think of more fun ways to spend the money that you’d be putting towards home insurance. However, investing in the protection of your home can save you the potential of losing your house and all of your belongings. It’ll definitely be worth it if that earthquake, tornado, or hurricane ever hit.

1. Put Your Mind at Ease

When you get home insurance it will put your mind at ease about something potentially going wrong with your home. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to something as big and important as your home.

2. Be Protected Against Damage

If a natural disaster does hit, or that tree falls on your house, or your neighbor flicks a cigarette in your backyard and your house goes up in flames, you’ll be protected. Having insurance means that even when something horrible does strike, you’re not left with a complete loss.

3. Protection Against Theft and Vandalism

When you have home insurance, you will be protected in case someone decides to break into your house or make “art” on your walls. You wouldn’t want to lose some of your most precious items and not be able to replace them. Home insurance can give you the confidence to know that if anything does get taken, it will be covered.

4. Coverage for Water Damage

If you live in an area where it rains a lot, or often floods, home insurance is a must. Your home and your possessions can be easily damaged by the water. Most insurance policies cover both.

5. Be Covered for Personal Liability

If someone gets injured on your property, you could potentially be held responsible. Many home insurance policies cover this so that you don’t get stuck with the bill.


Ways to Save Automobile Fuel

It’s nearly summertime and we all know what that means! Higher gas prices.

Here at All Nation Insurance in Miami, we don’t just want to save you money on car insurance, we want to save you money everywhere.  Many people believe the only way to get better gas mileage is to buy a smaller vehicle. Others invest in expensive gadgets  like fuel-line magnets, intake air swirlers, and other after market vehicle add-ons only to be disappointed by the results.

Well, there is a growing group of passionate vehicle drivers known as Ecomodders. Their forum is filled with tips, DIY articles, and friendly advice. Here is some of the best we read on their amazing forum.

Track your actual fuel costs

People with cars made after the mid 90’s have it relatively easy: All you need to do is throw some money at a fuel-economy computer. Fuel economy instrumentation is one of the simplest modifications you can make to your vehicle in the pursuit of gas savings. A favorite of EcoModders is the ScanGauge fuel economy computer.  Its plug-and-play features make it a popular choice for new and experienced ecomodders. It is for drivers who own a 1996 or newer North American market vehicle.

Having access to instant trip fuel consumption rates is critical to establishing good gas saving driving habits and a base for future modifications.

What if I Have an Older Vehicle

For older cars, you may need some assistance installing a vacuum gauge, which measures how hard the engine is working. For the adventurous types here in Miami, you can explore the world of DIY fuel-economy electronics. It will take some patience but the money saved can make a huge difference on your variable costs.

Top Ways to Save Gas

Many of these money saving fuel tips are easy to implement and require attention to your driving habits. You do not have to buy expensive products, as most of the best ways to conserve fuel revolve around safe driving habits.

Cruise Control, Our Secret Weapon

Long beloved by drivers who endure long trips frequently, cruise control has a number of different benefits. Surprisingly, many drivers don’t bother to use cruise control or invest a few minutes to learn it. One clear benefit is the ability to remain at a constant speed and maintain a consistent forward momentum. With human acceleration error removed, a vehicle can use only the energy required to maintain a consistent speed. Even slight accelerations can cause your vehicle to work harder and using more gasoline.

When considering the overall cost of driving, gas is only one variable in the total cost of driving (insurance, maintenance, etc). One forgotten benefit of cruise control is speed control as related to speeding tickets and more.

On many long road trips I find myself paying attention to the road vs. my actual vehicle speed. It is very easy to exceed the speed limit. A speeding ticket can easily negate any gas saving tricks you have used over the course of your trip. With cruise control set, you can drive at a consistent speed without glancing at the gauge every three seconds

Avoid Braking

I realize the title sounds ridiculous, almost dangerous. If you find yourself in compact traffic moving in intervals, rather than in a flowing pattern. Give yourself a 10 second buffer before hitting the accelerator. Saving gas really means saving energy. Every time you accelerate, your vehicle must expend energy to reach a specific speed. If your vehicle reaches this speed to only stop and do it again, that can expend a significant amount of energy.

By accelerating slowly and leaving space ahead, watch the brake lights of the car in front of the car directly in front of you. This allows you to coast right back up to the car in front of you without using additional energy. If done correctly (and assuming no drivers enter your lane..arghh!) you can avoid braking completely saving up to 40-70 mpg (according to some drivers in the forum).

Use The Overdrive Feature on your Car Properly

Another feature that goes unnoticed by most drivers is the “overdrive” feature. Many people do not even know that their car has overdrive, or what it can do. Overdrive is the highest gear in vehicles. It allows your engine to operate at a lower RPM for a given speed. This allows the vehicle to achieve better fuel efficiency. You will most likely have overdrive on most of the time, however it is advisable to have it off if you drive under 45 mph routinely.

Climate Control

Let’s face it. We live in Miami, Florida, we won’t be rolling our windows down during most of the year.

Sadly, air conditioner usage does impact vehicle gas mileage. Saving gas means saving energy, however cooling a cars cabin requires energy. Sometimes not using the air conditioner is not an option, but there are ways to cool your vehicle efficiently.

  • Roll the windows down at lower speeds; use the AC at highway speeds.
  • Don’t use the AC more than needed. Aim for comfort not for an arctic chill in your vehicle.
  • Park in the shade or use a sunshade so that the cabin doesn’t get as hot.
  • Drive with the windows open for a short time before using the AC. Letting hot air out of the cabin first will put less demand on the AC and help your vehicle cool faster.

Controlling your cars inner temperature often begins before you ever step foot in your car.

As you can see, these are some fairly simple ways to save money on fuel costs. We hope you enjoyed this information and if you want to save even more money, visit All Nation Insurance on SW 40th street 33155, located next to the famous La Carreta restaurant.

The Difference Between High and Low Insurance Deductibles

Updated on June 15th, 2024.

What is an insurance deductible?

An insurance deductible is the amount of money you would pay in the event of an accident (assuming liability).

For example, a standard insurance policy may be $100 a month with a $1000 deductible. Meaning in the event of an accident, you would be responsible for $1000 and the rest is covered by your insurance policy.

This is to promote safe driving habits and spread the full cost of an accident across several parties (insurance company and insured motorists).

These two figures (the monthly premium and the deductible) often move in opposite directions.


The figure above demonstrates that if you choose a lower monthly payment (premium) your deductible goes up.

The opposite would be a higher monthly premium, which would result in a lower deductible. That’s because you are offering to take on more risk, by paying a larger share of the damage if an accident occurs.


There’s many variables to consider when deciding between a high or low deductible.

It’s a logical, financial and personal decision that determines what fits your needs best. Insurance policies are based on risk with each party in the agreement assuming some kind of risk. Insurance companies offer several policies to fit peoples needs with some policies requiring higher monthly dues and others higher payments in the event an insurance claim is submitted.

The policy that best fits your needs will depend on several factors including current financial obligations and even future cash flows.

Before you purchase an insurance contract, it is important to determine whether you will have enough money to cover all the costs associated with an accident.

  • medical bills
  • medical co-payments
  • deductibles
  • rental car fees
  • etc.

Let’s break down the two most popular types of motor vehicle insurance. High and Low Deductible Insurance.

Choosing a Higher Insurance Deductible

Most people seek the advantage of a higher deductible because the monthly rate is lower. The risk of paying a higher deductible may be suitable for someone who:

  • Doesn’t drive often
  • Avoids driving long distances
  • Avoids driving in large urban areas
  • Avoids driving during peak hours
  • Has a savings account with a comfortable balance for emergencies

In 2012 there were 5,419,000 police-reported motor vehicle traffic crashes. In 2021 there were 6,102,936 police-reported motor vehicle traffic crashes.

Most of which occured in large urband areas and metropolitan areas. This increases the likelihood of being in a car accident. That is why rural insurance policies are significantly less than urban insurance policies. Per the Association for Safe International Road Travel, Road Crashes in America cost $230.6 Billion per year.

A question to ask yourself is is ‘Will the money I save in auto insurance premiums be used for necessities that warrant taking on a higher deductible?’

Consider that an accident will already be a traumatic experience with the loss of time and money. 

This a great policy for those who wish to be rewarded for safe driving habits and are willing to risk higher out of pocket expenses in the event of an accident.

Example policy is $100 monthly premium and a $2500 insurance deductible.

Choosing a Lower Insurance Deductible

Many people opt for a higher monthly insurance payment, but a lower deductible. This ultimately reduces your out of pocket expenses in the event of an accident.

This is great for younger drivers who may not have a lot of cash reserves or enough safe driving habits and experience.

Example policy is $200 monthly premiums and a $1500 deductible.

How to Choose Between a Lower Deductible or Higher Deductible Insurance Plan

Factors that should be taken in consideration at the end of the day should be plain and simple, and that’s your driving record and your current finances.

If you have a great driving record and you have more than 10 years, you can probably lower your collision deductible without much difference in your monthly rate.

The typical car insurance deductible increment choices are: $250, $500, $1,000, and $1,500.

If you’ve never been in an accident or even received a parking ticket, it’s within reason to deviate towards the higher deductible. If you have a reckless driving accident history then you obviously need to take the smarter route and get the lower deductible route. Again, adjusting your finances on a ‘maybe’ situation can be the major deciding aspect.

An additional thing to consider before buying car insurance is the amount of coverage you’d like. 

You will pay more for higher coverage limits and for carrying optional coverage’s; however, these optional coverage may offer much-needed protection in case of an accident or other vehicle-related incident.

Liability insurance is typically a legal requirement; however, other coverage’s such as collision and comprehensive are generally optional, which cover the medical bills that may occur due to the accident.

Contact our Miami Auto Insurance Specialist today or visit the Insurance Industry Blog for more information.