Could your home or workspace be exposed to asbestos?

Could your home or workspace be exposed to a cancer causing material?

Asbestos is a dangerous mineral that occurs naturally and was used frequently in building materials from 1930 to 1980. It was discovered that asbestos is dangerous to human health and can put people at risk for developing a cancer, mesothelioma.

You could potentially be at risk for asbestos exposure if you are living in a building that was developed between the 50-year span of 1930 to 1980. Asbestos can resist fire, heat, and similar extreme conditions, which is why it was used in many building materials such as insulation, cement, wallpaper, tiles, piping, and more. You might be wondering how dangerous it is if you are living or working in a building that has asbestos-containing materials, and fortunately there is little risk present as long as the materials remain undisturbed. However, if the material is disturbed it can cause dust to enter the airflow which can then get lodged in your lungs, putting you at risk for developing mesothelioma.

There is only one cause known for mesothelioma, and that is asbestos exposure. It can take over 20 years for symptoms of the illness to show and the illness can manifest itself in the lungs, the heart, or the abdominal cavity. There have been many lawsuits tied to asbestos exposure, but due to the complicated nature of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma, the coverage available is largely dependent on the individual case.

There are certain steps that you can take to protect yourself and your workers from asbestos exposure. You can have the building tested if it was constructed between 1930 and 1980. Upon finding out that you do have asbestos containing materials, you can use a trained and licensed professional to approach the situation. If the materials are in “good condition” and remaining in place then they pose little harm to human health, but it is still important to have the building tested every now and then.

Remember, there is no safe amount of asbestos to be exposed to. Everyone is responsible for their workspace safety, so if you feel that your building is at risk of having asbestos containing materials, reach out to someone and be sure to get the building tested.

Types of Insurance for a Small Business

If you own a small business, you might be wondering what types of insurance you should have so that you, your employees, and your assets are protected. There are many different types of insurances out there, and it can be overwhelming to know how much protection is too little, and how much is just unnecessary for your particular business. However, there are some basic types of insurance that every kind of small business needs to consider.

General Liability Insurance

No matter how small your business is, you need to have liability insurance because it will protect you with defense and damages if you, your employees, or your products cause or are said to cause harm to anyone.

Worker’s Compensation

If you are employing anyone, it is very important to have worker’s compensation insurance. It will provide insurance to employees who are injured on the job and it provides them with financial replacement and medical benefits instead of allowing the employee to sue you for the incident. Even if you trust your employees and don’t think they would ever get hurt or do anything to hurt you, this is a type of insurance that you need. Things happen you don’t want to get into a lawsuit or a situation of non-compliance.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is also known as professional indemnity insurance or errors and omissions. You need this type of insurance if your business provides any kind of service or advice. This insurance will protect you against a client who is making a negligence claim.

Property Insurance

This type of insurance is important if you own your own your own business building, but it can also be important if you have any sort of equipment that belongs to your business such as computers or inventory. Property insurance will protect you if your space or business-related property is damaged, stolen, or vandalized.

Different Types of Life Insurance

There are many different types of life insurance on the market, and each one covers something slightly different. It can be confusing to understand what each different type of life insurance does. However, knowing what each type of insurance does can help you choose the best coverage to meet your needs. The two most basic and common life insurance types are term and permanent, but there are other types such as universal and variable.

Term life insurance is the most basic type of coverage that can be purchased because it offers only death benefit protection. It is purchased for a certain length of time such as 15 years or 30 years. Once that amount of time is up, if the policy holder is still alive, he or she will need to requalify for life insurance at their current age and health status.

Permanent life insurance is different than term life insurance because it does not have a time limit like term life insurance does. Permanent life insurance coverage lasts for as long as the insured is alive, if they pay their premium. Additionally, permanent life insurance offers both death benefit protection and a cash value component that can be taken out of the plan and used. This type of life insurance is typically a better option. However, it is usually more expensive.

Universal life insurance is a type of permanent cover life insurance that also offers a death benefit and a cash value component, but with this type of insurance the cash value component funds are allowed to grow tax-deferred. This type of insurance is typically more flexible than regular permanent life insurance because the policyholder can change the amount that goes toward the death benefit or the amount that goes toward the cash value, within certain guidelines of the plan.

Variable life insurance is very similar to universal life insurance, where there is a death benefit and a cash value component. Although, with variable life insurance the policyholder can invest the cash value component of the insurance into different investments. This gives the policyholder the potential to grow their funds a lot more, but it also poses a risk of loss.

Aside from the types of life insurance mentioned above, there are many others that can be purchased. When shopping around for life insurance, the best thing to do is ask questions to gain a good understanding of the policy and determine what is the best fit for you.

What Does Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover?

When you’re exploring different types of car insurance, you might be wondering what comprehensive car insurance covers. Depending on the exact insurance plan, it might be different, but there are many commonalities of comprehensive car insurance. This type of insurance helps you to repair or replace your vehicle if it is stolen or damaged in an accident that isn’t a collision. Comprehensive car insurance does not cover damage done to your car by any sort of driver-caused incident, whether it’s your fault or not. Some of the common things that comprehensive car insurance covers are theft, vandalization, natural disaster damage, fire damage, falling object damage such as a rockslide, animal-induced damage, and damage caused by other people in the case of an event like a protest or riot. Comprehensive car insurance does not cover damage done to your vehicle by you or another driver, medical expenses for any parties involved, or damage done to another person’s car. This type of car insurance is typically required if you are leasing a vehicle, otherwise it is optional. When trying to decide if comprehensive car insurance is right for you, there are a few factors you will want to consider. If your car is older and not worth much, then you probably don’t need comprehensive car insurance, because what you end up paying will likely outweigh the benefits. However, if your car is newer or more expensive, you might want to look into comprehensive car insurance because the benefit of being able to have your car repaired in the case of one of the situations described above is worth the monthly payment and premium you might have to pay. Collision coverage insurance is more popular, but these two insurance types can be used together to give you the most full coverage of your vehicle. If you are unsure if comprehensive car insurance is right for you, you can always get quotes from different companies and ask an agent to help you decide. When you’re exploring different types of car insurance, you might be wondering what comprehensive car insurance covers. Depending on the exact insurance plan, it might be different, but there are many commonalities of comprehensive car insurance. This type of insurance helps you to repair or replace your vehicle if it is stolen or damaged in an accident that isn’t a collision. Comprehensive car insurance does not cover damage done to your car by any sort of driver-caused incident, whether it’s your fault or not. Some of the common things that comprehensive car insurance covers are theft, vandalization, natural disaster damage, fire damage, falling object damage such as a rockslide, animal-induced damage, and damage caused by other people in the case of an event like a protest or riot. Comprehensive car insurance does not cover damage done to your vehicle by you or another driver, medical expenses for any parties involved, or damage done to another person’s car. This type of car insurance is typically required if you are leasing a vehicle, otherwise it is optional. When trying to decide if comprehensive car insurance is right for you, there are a few factors you will want to consider. If your car is older and not worth much, then you probably don’t need comprehensive car insurance, because what you end up paying will likely outweigh the benefits. However, if your car is newer or more expensive, you might want to look into comprehensive car insurance because the benefit of being able to have your car repaired in the case of one of the situations described above is worth the monthly payment and premium you might have to pay. Collision coverage insurance is more popular, but these two insurance types can be used together to give you the most full coverage of your vehicle. If you are unsure if comprehensive car insurance is right for you, you can always get quotes from different companies and ask an agent to help you decide.

Why do you need insurance for your vehicle?

We all think we’re the best driver on the road from time to time, and it can seem like no one else knows what they’re doing. Even if you are a wonderful driver, you still need to get vehicle insurance. Road crashes cost the United States billions of dollars every year, and if you don’t have proper vehicle insurance they can cause you a lot of money as well. Most states require you to have some kind of vehicle insurance that covers the other driver in case you are to cause an accident, but it’s recommended that you have full coverage that will also cover you in that scenario. You will want some kind of vehicle insurance to assure that you are covered in the case of a crash. However, aside from the obvious reasons to get your vehicle insured, there are many other reasons that you might not think of listed below: Vandalization Your car or vehicle could get vandalized with spray paint or other materials if you leave it parked somewhere that isn’t secure. Some types of insurance will cover this and help you pay for the repairs to your vehicle. Natural Disaster If your vehicle is caught in a natural disaster such as a flood, hurricane, mudslide, or fire, then the damage can cause thousands of dollars in repairs. Many vehicle insurances will cover you if your vehicle gets damaged during a natural disaster. Theft We never want to think about someone stealing our vehicle, but it happens more often than you think. Some types of insurance for your vehicle will cover the case of theft, if your vehicle is stolen. Supplement Your Health Insurance If you get injured in an accident, your vehicle insurance often helps to pay for your health care. If you have to pay for everything out of pocket, or directly through your health insurance, it can get very expensive.